Monday, July 14, 2014

How Much Junk Are You Carrying Around?


We are always getting rid of stuff. It would be hard-pressed on Saturday mornings not to find numerous Yard Sale signs scattered about like lilies in a field. Sellers are seeking to rid themselves of things that are no longer wanted or needed. Clothing once adored is now out-dated, or either too big or like some of us baby boomers too small due to our muffin top waistline. Other sellers maybe seek to unload furniture that was once treasured only to be replaced by new modern pieces. Be it toys, gadgets, pictures or bedding the whole idea is to get rid of items making room for new things to take their places.
 If only we could do the same thing for our most precious possession…our heart.  If we took the time to take inventory of what is filling it up with unnecessary things such as anger, hate, jealousy, bitterness, and selfishness. Not to mention harboring grudges that hinders us from having relationships with others. Getting rid of these things will leave our heart light and free leaving space for kindness, patience, caring, joy and forgiveness. So when we are out looking for the best bargain or precious find look beyond the physical items and with our hearts free from the junk we once carried we will have room for what really matters in life.

Janie DeCoster wrote poems and articles before becoming a published author. Now she has several novels under her belt. She writes various genres keeping her readers enthralled from romance, drama, suspense and thrills. Looking for good 5-Star Read Click the links below and please leave a review. Also if her articles have been a help to you leave a comment on her website on the link below. 

Dark Side of Love 


The trio howled as they ran through the thick forest as fast as lighting. It was mid-night. A full moon guided their path as they headed up the hill towards the castle, a night of terror for the human race. The trio had fetched a total of sixty hearts and forty livers, not bad for a single night. They took from the young as well as the old catching them off guard as they travelled to and fro while others slept peacefully in their beds. Now, they made their way back to the river.

At the edge, they threw their prizes down and went into transition. Fur became skin and paws became hands as they returned to an upright position. They retrieved their clothing which had been hidden behind a tree a few feet away along with an ice chest. The leader of the trio gathered their loot and placed everything into the chest. Two men and a woman left the woods carrying the chest.
This is a dark read that will keep you in suspense until the very end.